Time Management Strategies

Time Management Strategies

I used to complain about not having enough hours in a day. Throughout high school and college, I always had at least two side jobs. I stayed up late and woke up early, resulting in poor health and constantly being tired. More often than not, midnight would roll around and I would be scrambling to finish homework and get ready for bed. It's tough balancing multiple priorities, let alone, trying to maintain your health and social life.

What I now realize is that the problem isn't the number of priorities one has, it's poor time management. I watched way too much tv, spent too much time on my phone, and wasn't effective with my time as a whole. I now have a full-time job, a blog, keep a regular gym routine, get 7+ hours of sleep per night, and am in the process of planning my wedding. They're all equally as important to me, so instead of choosing one over another, I save time elsewhere.

Ways to save time:

Limit TV: We all deserve downtime, we work hard and want to relax after work. Watching your favorite show is fine but be sure to turn off the tv when it's over rather than starting something else. I suggest saving this for the very end of the night as a reward since it's hard to get up and get moving again once you sit down and get comfortable. On the other hand, if you find yourself with a busy night, you may not have any time to sit down and relax. Trust me, you'll feel much more productive if you get your chores done first. I go days at a time without watching tv as it is not a top priority of mine.

Put your phone away: It's easy to get sucked into a black hole of social media and Pinterest. Be mindful of how long you spend on your phone each day and how many times you check it: first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and a thousand times in between. 10 minutes, 10 times a day can add up quickly. I'm still working on this one myself.

Plan ahead: Pack your lunch and gym bag and pick out your clothes the night before. I typically pack lunch for 2-3 days at a time and eat the same thing all week which saves time and money. Save the excitement for treating yourself to lunch or dinner once a week. If I plan to work out in the morning, I either sleep in my gym clothes or lay them out so I'm ready to go, rather than wasting time and digging for them in the dark.

Cook larger portions: Instead of making something new every single night, cook enough for two or three meals so you can heat up leftovers for dinner the next night or take with you for lunch.

Be productive during lunch: Use your lunch break to run errands, go to the gym, take a walk, read a book, schedule appointments, anything that you can check off your to-do list.

Caffeinate on the go: I never have time to sit down and drink my tea or coffee in the morning, instead, I drink it either while I'm getting ready or take it with me to drink while reading a book on the train to work.

Make lists: Make a grocery list before going shopping and be sure to stick with it. This will save time AND money since you won't be mindlessly walking the aisles for dinner inspiration. Daily to-do lists are also helpful for ensuring the most important tasks get done each day while leaving everything else only if time allows.

Consider your day-to-day activities, look for your biggest time wasters and make a plan to be more effective.

There ARE enough hours in the day.


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