Healthy Snacks to Keep at Work

Healthy Snacks to Keep at Work

Whether you forgot your lunch, don't feel like packing it, or are flying straight to the office on a Monday morning (is that just me?); it's possible to be prepared with healthy backup options. 

What I keep at my desk, pictured:

  • tea bags

  • tuna

  • rice cakes

  • dry rice

  • assorted nuts

  • fruit

  • gum

Not pictured:

  • hot sauce

  • frozen veggies

Carbs, protein, healthy fats, fiber; everything needed for a well-balanced meal. 

Apples are another great option since they can be stored in the refrigerator for extended periods of time. Read my post on convenience foods for why I don't suggest buying granola bars (and most prepackaged foods) as backup. 

Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated. I can make an entire meal from the contents above. Dry rice (carbs) can be cooked in the microwave in roughly 5 minutes. Pair this with tuna (protein), microwaved frozen veggies (fiber), and mixed nuts (healthy fats). Try lentils for a high protein vegetarian option or 2 rice cakes topped with peanut butter. Yes, my co-workers make fun of me for eating "cat food" but hey, I'll do me. Still feel hungry? It's possible you're actually just thirsty or bored so try drinking water or chewing gum to get your mind off food. 

Why don't I just get take-out? A salad in New York can easily cost $10. I don't know about you but I have student loans and rent to pay, I can't afford $50 a week on lettuce. Also, even when you think you're making healthy choices, it's tough to say what's really going in your food. Refer back to my post on weight loss for why restaurant food tastes so good. Whenever I order veggies they seem to be soaked in oil. Delicious, yes, but not necessary nor healthy. 

Let's talk convenience: you can pay for convenience foods, or you can put in a little effort and outsmart the system while saving money AND making healthier choices. 

Example: peanut butter 

Option 1: Jif Peanut Butter To Go. 4 packs of 1.5 oz, non-resealable containers (1.5 oz = 3 Tbsp). To refresh everyone's memory, a serving of peanut butter is 2 tablespoons. Walmart's current online price is $2.58 for the 4-pack. 

Side note: Jif and other brands add sugar and palm oil to their peanut butter. Nut butter should be liquidy and only have 1-2 ingredients, 1) nuts 2) salt, optional

Option 2: Purchase disposable portion cups in bulk and fill them yourself. These 1 oz Plastic Disposable Portion Cups are $7.20 for a pack of 100 (1 oz = 2 Tbsp, the suggested serving size). This is clearly the better option since they're cheap, resealable, AND you can fill with the nut butter of your choice, preferably one without added sugar and oil. These containers also come in other sizes for a variety of uses such as nuts, dressing, and even non-edible items. The 2 oz cups are great for the aforementioned dry rice as a typical serving of grains is 1/4 cup dry or 1/2 cup cooked (2 oz = 1/4 cup). 

I have the above foods plus gym clothes at my desk ready when needed. Call me crazy for being too prepared but what can I say, I like to plan ahead.




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