Hi, I’m Mallory Herb, a certified holistic nutritionist and health & wellness coach. Welcome to HERBody Health!
My goal is to help others become the healthiest version of themselves without restrictive dieting or breaking the bank.
I moved from Columbus, Ohio to Brooklyn, New York in 2014 after graduating from The Ohio State University with a degree in Fashion and Retail Studies.
I spent my first 6 months in New York working a remote job in sales which turned out to be really hard for me. Not only was I not making new friends or getting to explore this new and exciting city but, I found myself rarely leaving my apartment or even getting dressed for the day ahead. Even though I wasn’t making a lot of money, I finally decided it was worth it to invest in my health and well-being and join the family-owned gym in my neighborhood. After joining, I quickly discovered a love for group fitness classes and started making new, like-minded friends.
After 6 months of remote work, I found a job in the Garment District, working for a children’s clothing wholesaler where I spent the next 4 years. Though this job aligned with my studies, paid my bills and employed other women my age; I began to realize that I was in the wrong field of work. While I was good at my job and was promoted within the company, I felt a lack of personal fulfillment. I did have one niece at this time (now 3) so she was obviously well dressed and benefited from my employment. Though, as a childless woman, there were few personal benefits for me to gain in this line of work. I knew I needed to find a field that I was passionate about and that would allow me to help others better themselves.
One positive thing to come about from living in Brooklyn and commuting to Manhattan each day was the chance to experience life as a real New Yorker taking public transportation. Honestly, I love taking the train and never want to have to drive regularly again! Of course, when there is a train delay or rerouting, it’s easy to curse the system and say it happens all the time. But, it allows me to get from Point A to Point B while also providing me the luxury of mindless, free-time during my commute. While I spent the first year or two listening to music, I quickly got bored and began feeling unproductive while “wasting” so much time. That’s when I discovered a love for personal development podcast, ebooks, and audiobooks. Have you ever tried to ride the train during rush hour while trying to hold onto something stable with one hand and holding a book in the other while also needing to turn the page?
I can’t remember where I heard the advice but, during my soul-searching, I read somewhere that to discover your interests or to find your hobbies, look to your bookshelf for guidance. I then realized I had zero fashion magazines or books on the topic. What I did see on my bookshelf were books on health (cookbooks, hiking, self-improvement, etc) and entrepreneurship. It was the lack of fulfillment and new love of learning that lead me to discover a passion for holistic nutrition which, in combination with regular exercise, lead me to lose 25 pounds. This change drastically improved my confidence and inspired me to want to help others reach their goals as well. I began studying at night and on weekends and eventually got certified first, as a holistic nutritionist, and later as a health and wellness coach.
There’s no need to be a gym-rat, go on any diet, or try every product on the market. I lost weight without restricting myself of any foods or torturing myself in the gym, although, I do enjoy a good sweat sesh! I also enjoy cooking and testing new recipes which I share on this blog. The fewer ingredients a recipe has, the better. I skip those that call for too many ingredients or have too many steps as nobody has time for that. Recipes with fewer ingredients are easier and healthier to make and I’m all about both. I’ve made [zucchini] lasagna once in my life and don’t plan on making it again anytime soon. Why cook everything fully only to then bake it before eating?
Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost a fortune. I come from a family of eight so you know I’m frugal and full of money-saving tips. Not only does eating at home save you money, it puts you in control of every aspect of the meal, from the quality and type of ingredients to the portion size. Maintaining optimal health is a lifestyle and it could save you a fortune in the long run. Go ahead and treat yourself to your favorite indulgences occasionally but, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to fresh fruits and vegetables each day. You deserve those too. There’s no greater treat than good health.
Knowledge is power, so soak it up!
Mallory Herb
Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health & Wellness Coach