The secret to weight loss...

The secret to weight loss...

Now that I have your attention:

So, you're interested in bettering yourself and maybe dropping a few pounds. Admission is the first step. Unfortunately, the secret to weight loss is... THERE IS NO SECRET! 

Ok, if you want an actual answer, one that you're not going to like: a balance of good nutrition, exercise and getting enough sleep is the not-so-secret secret to weight loss. Crash dieting, juicing, pills, stomach wraps; none of these are the answer to your prayers. Juicing and starving yourself are unsustainable while pills and wraps are expensive and questionable. Weight loss should be a natural result in response to better lifestyle choices. It's the lack of knowledge that's costing you.

You've probably heard the saying "you can't outrun a bad diet." It's true; no amount of time in the gym will give you the body you want in conjunction with a poor diet. Plus, you likely burn less calories than you think you do. 

We all know the majority of Americans are overweight. We rely heavily on fast and convenient foods. Rather than spending a few extra minutes each day prepping meals, people have become accustomed to eating takeout. Honestly, I can microwave a sweet potato in 4 minutes and know for a fact it has only one ingredient and no preservatives. 

Why does restaurant food taste so good? Well, if it didn't, we wouldn't return. This means in order to take the food from tasting good to great, certain ingredients are increased such as  salt, sugar, and/or fat (butter), along with larger portion sizes. Sure, it's nice to treat ourselves to dinner every once in awhile but letting this be the norm is setting the stage for your health. How much is it worth to you? Take a look at the customers frequenting your favorite grocery stores, restaurants, and fast food joints. What are they choosing to eat and do they have the look you are trying to portray?

Next, consider who you follow on social media. There are tons of popular foodie accounts filled with fried, greasy and unhealthy foods. I used to follow many of them but have since stopped because our goals do not align. Of course indulging is great every once in awhile and keeps us sane, but I don't want or need my newsfeed flooded with junk food. I'd rather scroll through Instagram and see posts from people with similar mindsets on fitness, nutrition and positivity. 

Lastly, how you spend your free time? I used to get home from work and spend the rest of the night on the couch watching tv because I was exhausted. The exhaustion was caused from not getting enough sleep and having a poor diet. It's a vicious cycle! Now that I properly fuel myself, I have endless energy and am genuinely happy with my appearance for the first time. It's exciting to challenge myself and compare the physical and mental progress that follows. 

Now that you're ready to take the next step, subscribe at the bottom of the page for a copy of my grocery list.

Don't wait until tomorrow to start taking better care of yourself. Start today. Remember, summer is just around the corner!


Until next time, 


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