Masking Symptoms

Masking Symptoms

Browse any pharmacy or medicine aisle and you'll find a product for issues you didn't even know existed. Once you find the shelf with the solution to your problem, you'll often have the option of multiple forms of medication - topical, tablets, capsules, drops, injections, etc, depending on user preference. 

The human body is an amazing thing; capable of self-healing when we provide ourselves with proper care. When off-balance, our bodies cry out for help in a variety of ways, both internally and externally. Luckily, most of these issues can be quickly and easily fixed without medication. Unfortunately, most people aren’t listening to the cues and are too impatient to try.

Common symptoms include aches and pains, inflammation, acne, weight gain and lack of energy. Rather than temporarily masking the issue with medication, take the time to listen to what your body is asking for. And why is the list of side-effects always longer than the symptoms the medication is treating in the first place? Yeah, your pain may disappear for awhile but only at the risk of hives, birth defects or death. Great.

Headaches for instance, are commonly caused by dehydration, lack of sleep and stress. Taking painkillers might mask the issue but will not solve it. The safer and healthier long-term solution would be to chug water and get more sleep. 

Other symptoms & their possible offenders:

  • Acne - high consumption of dairy, processed foods, fast food

  • Arthritis – joint inflammation from lack of mobility

  • Bloat - indigestion, a food intolerance, excess fiber, carbonated beverages, salty foods

  • Brittle hair and nails - insufficient intake of vitamins A and B

  • Coughing, sneezing - attempting to clear the body of foreign objects such as smoke

  • Cramps - dehydration, lack of potassium or magnesium

  • Diarrhea, vomiting - attempting to clear the body of foreign objects. Think food poisoning

  • Dry skin - dehydration, poor diet, use of harsh soaps

  • Excess Sweating (hyperhidrosis) – Sweating removes toxins such as alcohol. Excessive sweat can be a sign of poor health.

  • Eczema – skin inflammation, possibly due to a food intolerance

  • Heart burn – Possibly from alcohol, citrus, spicy foods or overeating

  • High cholesterol - high intake of saturated fats such as red meat and dairy

  • Insomnia - anxiety, stress, depression possibly caused by anything listed here

  • Type 2 Diabetes – poor diet and physical health

Those with Type 2 diabetes have the ability to reverse the disease by changing their diet and lifestyle; a free cure to an expensive and potentially fatal problem. Why choose to purchase expensive medication month after month rather than get your health in order? More on diabetes here

Taking medication regularly is a costly concern, both on your health and wealth. Listen to the signals your body is giving, stay hydrated, properly fuel yourself and get enough rest. You may not need to be taking medication after all. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider before making any major changes. 


- Mallory 



Waller, P. (2010). Holistic Anatomy: An Integrative Guide to the Human Body. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

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